ACCP Prime DISM Paper


ACCP Prime Dism Paper

1.Which of the following are file formats that Polybase supports?

  • Delimited text

  • Hive RCFile

  • Hive OCR

  • All of these

2. ________________is a SQL Server counter that stores the amount of time CPU has been executing SQL Server code.

  • @@Connectionso

  • @@CPU_BUSY



3.Which of the following are functions of the control node in the Polybase architecture? Choose one or more.

  • Parse T-SQL queries

  • Manage Parallel queries

  • Bring data temporarily to the SQL Server

  • All of these

4.Arrange in sequence the following steps migrate data to Azure:

  1. On the Object Explorer select and enable the database for Stretch.

  2. Create an Azure account.

  3. Monitor data migration with sys.dm_db_rda_migration_status.

  4. Enable remote data archive on the table.

  1. 1,2,3,4

  2. 2,1,4,3

  3. 2,3,4,1

  4. 3,2,1,4

5. A____________can appear between the characters in string values to make code more comprehensible.

  • White space

  • Solidus

  • BackSpace

  • Reverse solidus

6.___________________accepts data in the form of key and value pairs and each key is distinct.

  • Vector0 

  • Set

  • List

  • Map

7.JSON_______________specifies the rules that define the structure of a JSON document.

  • Schema0 

  • Comments

  • Metadata

  • Hyper Schema

8.Which of the following string types is used to represent a page break especially while printing and is used as a part of test value or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) respectively?

  • Form feed, Carriage return

  • Reverse solidus, solidus

  • Form feed, Solidus

  • Form feed, Reverse solidus

9.Which of the following are valid JSON statements?

  • {}

  • {“p”:””,”p”.”q”}

  • {“p”:[],”x”:1}

  • {1 :”x”,”x”:1}

10.Strings are delimited with____________and support a backslash escaping syntax.

  • Single -quotation

  • Double -quotation

  • Comma

  • Colon

11.Which of the following are characteristics of object data type?

  • It is a non -sequential (having no order) set of key/value pairs

  • It is enclosed in curly braces {.}

  • Each key/value pair is set apart by comma (,) and every key is preceded by colon(:)

  • It is enclosed in square brackets [.]

12.MSDTC uses the classes present in________for managing distributed transactions on cloud.

  • System Uploads.

  • System.Transactions.

  • System.Cache.

  • TransactionScope.

13.Which of the following methods can be used to create a command for a specific connection?

  • OleDbCommand

  • CreateCommand

  • SqICommand

  • DbConnection

14.Can you rearrange the steps given below to edit or delete existing subscriptions?

  1. In the General section, click Subscription.

  2. Click the All Services option.

  3. Select Manage, Cancel subscription or Upgrade subscription on the displayed menu bar.

  4. From the subscription page, select the required subscription.

  • B, A, D, C

  • A, B, C, D

  • A, C, D, B

  • A, B, D, C

15.Arrange the steps for cloud testing in proper sequence.

  1. Design test cases

  2. Select cloud service provider

  3. Step infrastructure

  4. Develop user scenarios

  5. Leverage cloud servers

  6. Monitor testing goals

  7. Deliver results

  8. Start testing

16.Azure Cosmos DB is similar to______.

  • NoSQL database

  • MySQL

  • Oracle database

  • Relational databases

17.EF6 requires___________support

  •  NET

  • Connector

  • Connector/NET

  • SQL

18.ASP.NET Web API refers to a framework that allows producing________services easily.

  • HTTP

  • HTML

  • XML

  • Java

19.The________________class is a combination of the Hashtable class and the ArrayList        class.

  • SortedList

  • Collection

  • List

  • Dictionary

20.______are a kind of parameterized data structures that can work with value types as well as reference types.

  • Iterators

  • ArrayList

  • Generics

  • Enumerator

21.A___________is a reference type that contains declarations of the events, indexers, methods, and properties.

  • delegate

  • Enumerator

  • Interface

  • Namespace

22.The________namespace is imported by default in the .NET Framework and it appears as the first line of the program.

  • Collections

  • Data

  • Web

  • System

23.What is the function of key containers?

  • To securely store asymmetric keys

  • To securely generate asymmetric keys

  • To securely share the public key

  • To securely generate private key

24.What does the async keyword in a method signify?

  • The method will continue executing after invoking an asynchronous operation. 

  • The method will start executing in a new thread.0 

  • The method will contain at least one await keyword and will wait until the asynchronous operation specified by the await keyword completes.

  • The method will continue executing in the main thread even if a new thread is assigned to execute it

25.What does the following code achieve?

class Book


public string Title { get; set; }

public string Author { get; set; }

public float Price { get; set; }


  • Creates auto-implemented properties named Title, Author, and Price

  • Creates object initializers named Title, Author, and Price

  • Creates collection initializers named Title, Author, and Price

  • Creates Implicitly typed local variables named Title Author and Price

26.What will be the result of executing the following statement in the Main() method of a C# program?

Console.Writeline("Hello from a C# program");

Choose the correct option for the code:

  • Hello from a C# program

  • The code will compile but will not execute

  • The code will compile and execute but will not output anything

  •  The code will not compile

27.XMLwas developed over_______

  • Troff and TEX

  • GML

  • SGML

  • HTML

28.Match the following (1,2,3,4) with (a,b,c,d)

1 <xsl:template match = "Greeting">

2 <xsl:template match = "P//EM">

3 <xsl:template match = "/">

4 <xsl:template match="Product">

<xslt apply-templates select= "@Units"/>


a) Matching by ancestry

b) Matching by attribute

c) Matching by name

d) Matching by root

  • a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4

  • a-1, b-3, c-2, d-4

  • a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1

  • a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3

29.EF queries are converted to__________queries for underlying databases.

  • XML

  • SQL

  • API

  • Reference

30.Which of the following code declares the delegate Calculation with the return type and the parameter types asinteger?

  • public delegate int Calculation(int numOne, int numTwo);

  • public delegate Calculation(int numOne, int numTwo);

  • delegate int Calculation(int numOne, int numTwo);

  • delegate Calculation(int numOne, int numTwo);

31.In C#________,are created using delegates.

  • exceptions

  • events

  • synchronization

  • Othreads

32.EDM consists of_______primary parts.

  • Two

  • Five

  • Six

  • Three

33.Match the column.

Match The Column:

A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

34._______refers to adherence to basic XML syntax rules while________refers to adherence to the DTDs too.

  • Validity, Well -formed

  • Well -formed, Validity

  • Internal DTDs, Validity

  • Well -formed, Internal DTDs

35.<!ELEMENT element -name (child -name)>

      Which of the following does the above syntax represent?

  • Only One Occurrence

  • Minimum One Occurrence

  • Zero or More Occurrences

  • Zero or One Occurrences

36.Which of the following is a Valid XML document?

This the valid XML Document:

A) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="IS0-8859-1"?>

<IDOCTYPE Flight [

<!ELEMENT Flight (ID, Source, Destination, Departure, Arrival)>



<ELEMENT Destination (#PCDATA)>

<ELEMENT Departure (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT Arrival (#PCDATA)>



<ID>John Fernando</ID>



<Departure>01:55 PM</Departure>

<Arrival>09:50 PM</Arrival>

<Duration>13hr 55mn</Duration>


37.A___________is a set of items of the same or different data types.

  • Array

  • Event

  • Collection

  • List

37.Which of the following syntaxes for sorting in XSLT is correct?

A) <xstsort 

case-order="lower-first" & "upper -first"

data-type='number" "qname" & "text"

order="ascending" & "descending"



B) <xstsort

case-order="upper-first I "lower -first"

data -type= "number" "qname" I "text"

order="ascending" I "descending"



C) <xstsort

case-order="upper-first" I "lower -first"

data-type='number" "qname" I "text"

order="ascending" I "descending"

select="expression" I>

D) <xsi

case-order="upper-first" I "lower -first"

data-type='number" "qname" I "text"

order="ascending" I "descending”l>

38.Match the following:

1) &apos,                   A) <

2) >         B)”

3) &It         C)’

4) "         D)>

39.The__________statement is not supported by SQL Azure due to which the user cannot switch between databases in SQL Azure.


  • USE



40.Values for a_____________column are automatically generated.


  • NULL


  • GUID

41.Which of the following code snippets drops the Contact_number column from the table?

  • MODIFY TABLE Employee DROP COLUMN [Contact_name],

  • ALTER TABLE Employee DELETE COLUMN [Contact_name];

  • ALTER TABLE Employee DROP COLUMN [Contact_name];

  • ALTER TABLE Employee ADD COLUMN [Contact_name];

42.Match The Column:

Match the Following:

A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

A4 B4

44.Match The Following:

A1              B1

A2           B2

A3              B3  

A4              B4

45.Which of the following function resolves the XSS and CSRF issues?

  • jsoneval()

  • jsonparse()

  • jsonstring()

  • jsonify()

46.A series of zero or other Unicode characters within double quotes and backslash escapes is termed as________.

  • Array

  • String

  • Object

  • Number

48._______represents a collection of items that can be accessed by their index number.

  • List

  • Enumerator

  • Collection

  • Dictionary

49.Which of the following solutions are useful to process JSON data securely?

  •  Using JSON2 parser

  • Using the jsonstring () method

  • Using JSON-RPC

  • Using XMLHttpRequests

50.In_________class, a high-level abstraction of notification functionality is provided between the source application and SQLServer.

  • SqINotificationRequest

  • SqIDependency

  • SqICacheDependency

  • SqICache

49.Match the following:

A1          B1

A2       B2

A3          B3

A4          B4

51.__________is one of the most powerful features that was first introduced in .NET Framework 3.5.

  • Entity SQL

  • LINQ

  • ADO.NET Data Provider

  • EF AP

52.Which of the following are the Web services supported in .NET?

A: 1) ASP.NET Web Services

     2) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

     3) ASP.NET Web API Services

B: 1) ASP.NET Web Services

     2) ASP.NET Core

     3) ASP.NET Web API Services

C: 1) ASP.NET Web Services

     2) ASP.NET Core

     3) ASP.NET MVC

D: 1) ASP.NET Web Services

     2) ASP.NET Web API

     3) ASP.NET MVC

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

53.What is the function of the from? query keyword?

  • Used to indicate how the elements in the returned sequence will look like when the query is executed.

  • Used to group query results based on a specified key value.

  • Used to sort query results in ascending or descending order.

  • Used to indicate a data source and a range variable.

54.Which of the following restrictions for partial methods are true?

1. The partial keyword is a must when defining or implementing a partial method

2. Partial methods must return void

3. Partial methods are implicitly public

4. Partial methods can return ref but not out

  • 1, 2, 4

  • 1, 3, 4

  • 1,2,3,4

  • 1, 2, 3

55.Which of the following does not make a DTD ?

  • Attribute declarations

  • Element declarations

  • Entity declarations

  • Root Element declarations

56.Which statement starts the error processing for a session and displays an error message?





57.Which triggers execute stored procedures when a session is established with a LOGO event? 

● Login triggers 

● Logon triggers

  ● Log triggers 

● Logged triggers 

59.Which of the following code snippets creates a table using the NULL NULL and NOT NULL keywords with column definitions?

● CREATE TABLE BookDetails ( BookID int, Name varchar(40))

  ● CREATE BookDetails ( BookID hit NOT NULL, Name varchar(40) NULL) 

● CREATE TABLE BookDetails ( BookID int NULL: Name varchar(40) NULL) 

● CREATE TABLE BookDetails ( BookID int NOT NULL, Name varchar(40) NULL)

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